It's been a very busy week here at the Mosaic Cottage in the swamp.
First, I'm trying to get my larger studio organized, as it is a total shit show in there! Everything tends to get shoved in my studio whenever we're working on a home project, but especially when we're expecting a severe storm, such as Hurricane Ida that arrived at the end of August 2021.
By the time we cleaned up all of the storm aftermath, it seemed Thanksgiving was right around the corner and we had our Arizona family visit us for the week. Then it was Christmas and we traveled to Florida to spend the holiday with the rest of our family. Then it was Carnival Season and Mardi Gras.......anyway, you get the picture.
So I'm now finally trying to get the place cleaned up.
Here's a pic of the shelves I built this week, that are now holding many of my glass bobble supplies. Before, they were scattered all over my work table (lordy). The shelves are providing me with much needed space, and bonus, I can see what I have available. I may build more.
I also have a little studio in my house that shares space with my sewing area and my office/library. It is not ideal for mosaic making, but I make do when the larger studio is not conducive to a positive work flow.
Here's a pic of one side of the space. Yep, that's carpet. I just can't worry about it.
Spring has arrived and my garden isn't going to plant itself. I have spent the last 8 weeks or more, germinating seeds and growing some very nice veggie plants, which in turn have taken over my house, greenhouse and patio.
I had hoped to have most of everything planted by now, but it's that tricky time of the year when a late freeze may show up and wreak havoc in your garden and THAT is exactly what happened last weekend.
Many of my plants that had started to wake from their winter's nap and stretch their legs in the 70/80 degree weather we had been having, got whammied by 26 degree temps with high winds.
Nature, she makes the rules, however, we humans sure don't help matters with our contributions to climate change.
Here's a few current pics of the garden:
I forgot to take pics of the front. Maybe next post.
Mike and I did a big cleanup in the garden/yard on Saturday, which included removing the very old and overgrown boxwood hedge next to the side of the house (I also had 3 very large trees cut down across from this area, the week before). The space is so open and spacious now. I'm thinking of planting a few holly trees, but isn't all of that open wall space calling for a some mosaic???!!!! Me thinks, YES!! I mean, it needs something. It's kind of a hot mess right now. Someone please clone me.
On Sunday, while Mike went fishing, I spent the majority of the day digging up old tree roots in an area where I want to add more raised beds. I truly thought this was going to be a one day job, but NOPE. Those freakin tree roots were an unwelcome surprise, although, I should've already known, AND, there are soooo many!!! Hence to say, I only have one box built (thanks to hubby), but I have HOURS of tree root digging ahead of me.
And on that note, it's time to sign off. I've got to head to the lab to get my blood tested to see if my new thyroid meds have straightened out my count. I thought everything was fine until I went for my annual dr's appt and found that my numbers had bottomed out.
After having a thyroidectomy over 10 years ago, I count on those meds to keep me in check. Fingers crossed.
Next week's post will include a new mosaic heart I've been working on. It just needs grouted :-)
Plant Flowers